Write For Us

You’re here because you feel love and you obsess over music, correct?

If yes, then we want you to know that we are excited to have you contribute to this blog!

No need to be shy. If you’ve got love (and/obsession), it’s okay to share it.

If you’re the detail oriented/follow the rules type then feel free to review what we’ve already published to see the typical length, tone and quality of our pieces.

If you’re the free wheelin’/leaf in the wind/fly by the seat of your pants type, just start writing when the mood strikes you and send us what comes out.

Those who feel called may submit their letters for consideration to loveletters2rocknroll at gmail dot com.

Along with your writing, please feel free to attach/suggest photos and media, with captions when applicable, or let us know if you prefer we exclude it. If you choose not to do those things, we’ll choose the media for your post.

In exchange for our publishing your writing, we recommend that you share what you’ve written via social media if you’re an active user and have no concerns about remaining anonymous (because it’s important to spread the love). We will enthusiastically announce your post on Facebook and Twitter—easy to share and retweet if you follow us.



P.S. Three submissions gets you a t-shirt!

P.P.S We don’t pay for submissions because “[we] don’t care too much for money because money can’t buy [us] love.”
